Imbalance in immunity: O negative blood group individuals face inflammation from foods such as dairy products and wheat. Strongest stomach acids: O-negative individuals have higher levels of stomach acids and are exposed to medical conditions like ulcers.ĥ. Shortage: Increased use of O negative leads to a shortage of blood supply compared to other types of blood.Ĥ. It is only present to every 1 out of 15 people.ģ. Relatively uncommon: Although it is a universal donor, if you’re O negative you can only receive a donor with O negative blood. You also need Rhogam shots during pregnancy to avoid complications in your second pregnancy.Ģ.
Rh Incompatibility: An Rh-negative pregnant woman with an Rh-positive fetus may experience Rh incompatibility if proper measures are not taken. Healthy eating: Type O negative people who eat the right diet based on blood type and the healthiest and can have a strong digestive track with a diet with lean proteins and less wheat.ġ. No Rh factor: O negative blood type has an Rh-negative factor which is an additional marker in the blood.Ĩ. E.g., the Parental blood of A and A can have a child with O or A blood.ħ. This makes it possible for Parents with different blood groups to have an O blood child. Blood group O has neither A nor B antigens in the red blood cells but have A and B antibody in the plasma. O negative inheritance: There is no antigen A or B in O genes (alleles) and their mostly referred to as silent alleles. In fact, in some countries like the US, A negative, B negative, AB negative, and AB positive are rarer than the O negative.Ħ. Not rare: O negative is not a rare blood type as perceived. They are associated with leadership qualities and are highly innovative.ĥ. Personality traits: O negative people tend to be competent, loyal, self-confident, and above all very passionate. It gives a chance to live to all accident victims and transfusion to all patients in need of blood.Ĥ. Universal donor: O negative blood type can donate blood to all other blood types making it a universal donor. Safe for new infants: The red blood cells in O negative blood are safest for transfusion to new infants with an under-developed immune system.ģ. O blood type individuals live the longest of all other blood types.Ģ. Strong immune system: People with blood group O negative have a strong immune system and are thinnest of all other blood types. This article highlights the pros and cons of having O negative blood type.ġ. It doesn’t contain the Rh factor nor has A and B markers. About 6.6% of the world population has people with O negative blood.Įmergency vehicles and helicopters always carry O negative blood since there is no time to ask questions from the patient. It has universal blood cells which can be transfused to almost all patients who are in need. A person with blood type O negative can help individuals with other types of blood in emergency situations.